Results Mean whole grain intakes were 3.7 g/day in adults/older adults and 2.1 g/day in children/adolescents. Overall, 23% of the sample reported consumption of whole grain foods during the survey, among which mean whole grain intakes ranged from 6.0 g/day in female children to 19.1 g/day in female older adults.
The main sources of whole grains were breakfast cereals in children/adolescents (32%) and bread in adults/older adults (46%). Consumption of whole grain among adults was associated with significantly higher daily intakes and adequacy of dietary fibre, several vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B 6) and minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium) compared to non-consumption. Among children, whole grain intake was associated with significantly higher intakes of iron and magnesium. Introduction Numerous epidemiological studies provide evidence that consumption of whole grains as part of a balanced diet may reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer (mainly gastrointestinal); moreover, a habitual consumption of whole grain foods may contribute to weight management [–]. Findings from randomized controlled trials have been less consistent with some studies showing positive effects of a diet rich in whole grain foods on blood pressure [], insulin sensitivity [] and plasma cholesterol [] and others showing no effects on these outcomes [–]. The mechanism of action of these beneficial effects is not clear, but it is likely due to the synergy of many bioactive components present in whole grain products, i.e. Dietary fibre, vitamin E, a range of B vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that may have a protective role with regard to health [].
Alimentazione E Nutrizione Umana. La moderna formazione di studenti e operatori sanitari non pu. Sono profondamente cambiate proprio in questa direzione le politiche. Oct 16, 2015 - SULL'ALIMENTAzIONE E LA NUTRIzIONE. DAL PROTOCOLLO dI MILANO. Bene all'ambiente e alla salute umana. Con il BCFN, per la prima volta, diverse discipline si. Growing your own food is like printing your own money.” Ellen Gustafson. Imprenditore sociale, membro del.
Indeed, a moderate consumption of whole grains (usually one to three servings per day equating to 16–48 g/day) has been associated with a more adequate nutrient intake and better diet quality in several populations [–]. Although there is no globally accepted definition for whole grain, the definition proposed by the American Association of Cereal Chemists International (AACCI) has been widely adopted and states that “whole grains consist of the intact, ground, cracked or flaked caryopsis whose principal anatomical components—the starchy endosperm, germ and bran—are present in the same relative proportions as they exist in the intact kernel” []. Recently, the consortium of the HEALTHGRAIN EU project [] published a more comprehensive definition with the aim of harmonizing current EU definitions and to better reflect industry practices for the production of flour and consumer products. Animation Program Online on this page.
While similar to the AACCI definition, the HEALTHGRAIN definition allows for small losses of the total grain (. Study population and data collection The INRAN-SCAI 2005–06 study was a cross-sectional survey conducted on a representative sample of 1300 households randomly selected and stratified into the four main geographical areas of Italy (North-West, North-East, Centre, South and Islands) between October 2005 and December 2006. Commando 2 Game For Windows 7. In total, 1329 households participated in the food survey corresponding to 3323 individuals (1501 males and 1822 females), aged 0.1–97.7 years.
Detailed information about the INRAN-SCAI 2005–06 survey design, procedures and methodologies can be found on the previous published papers [, ]. A 3-day semi-structured diary was used to collect the food consumption of each subject. Participants recorded all foods and drinks consumed both inside and outside the home over 3 consecutive days. The quantity consumed for each food/beverage/supplements was determined using household measures and estimated portion sizes according to detailed guidance notes (with instructions to quantify the portions used by children) and photographs atlas developed on the basis of EPIC-SOFT picture book. For children below 8 years and for any subject who was not able to do so, the diaries were filled in by the person who took care of him/her. Moreover, information on the brand of manufactured and packaged foods was collected as much as possible, mainly for fortified foods and supplements.
For each participant, self-reported height and weight were recorded. Information on socio-demographics (education, occupation, marital status), lifestyle (smoking, dieting, dietary pattern—Mediterranean/traditional vs others: vegetarian, vegan, fruitarian, macrobiotic, etc.—physical activity, sedentary activity, use of supplements and fortified foods, out-of-home meals) and nutritional knowledge variables (knowledge of diet–health relationship, frequency of reading food labels) was determined by a self-administered questionnaire at the time dietary records were collected. For children/adolescents, the information available was limited to the level of education of the family (highest level among adult family members), physical activity and hours of sedentary activity per day. In order to capture all seasonal differences in intake, the sampled households were proportionally distributed among seasons (excluding Christmas and Easter periods): 25% in autumn, 25% in winter, 26% in spring and 24% in summer. In addition, the survey calendar was scheduled to take an adequate proportion of weekdays and weekend days at group level (78 and 22%). The survey was purely observational and non-invasive; ethical aspects were related only to the collection of information on food habits that may be related to health and thus might be sensitive. At the time of the survey, INRAN institute was part of the National Statistical System (SISTAN) and adhered to the principle of statistical confidentiality, moreover, as Public Body INRAN adopted the current regulation on guarantees individual data protection.