Plot Summary: Nanami Takahashi is a high school student entering her first year. Immediately on her first day however, she becomes the victim of a practical joke by the school's most popular guy, Motoharu Yano, who coincidentally also ends up in her class. While the two get off to a rocky start, they soon find themselves. 16 Volumes (Complete) Completely Scanlated? Clip Registration Keygen there. Bokura ga Ita Manga to End in 2012: 2274 days, 20 hours, 16 minutes ago: Bokura ga Ita Gets Live-Action Film. Bokura ga Ita. Login to add items. 16 Volumes (Complete) Completely Scanlated? Yes Anime Start/End Chapter. Bokura ga Ita Manga to End in 2012: over 6 years ago. You could read the latest and hottest Bokura ga Ita 2 in MangaHere. Or complete the form below. Read Bokura ga Ita 2 english, Bokura ga Ita 2 raw manga.