Thanks Sokol1, I tried to load the firmware multiple times but can't get the board to be recognzied as a boot loader. The symptoms are below: On inital plug into a USB port,eventually 3 items show up as shown in the attachment. When trying to upload the firmware on the Micro card (RobotDyn Micro ATmega32U4-MU). Windows sees it in device manager as a Arduino Micro on com5. Arihant Publication Writer By Manohar Pandey. When I press the reset button, device manager refreshes for just a second still showing the Arduino Micro on Com5 the lights go out on the Micro, then blink back on, Device manager refreshes a second time again showing the Arduino Micro still on Com5. I never see the Arduino as a boot loader device for 8 seconds like I'm supposed to.
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I have pressed reset mulitple times as the thread states it make take a few tries but still no luck. I have moved it to different USB ports on the same laptop, I have tried to do this in a different laptop and I have even opened another unit (exact same one, i ordered 3) in thinking that maybe I had a bad unit. All are recognized in Device manager, but all stay the same during the reset process. Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thx Attached Files Inline advert (2nd and 3rd post) - 01/02/18 09:52 PM Re: F16-FLCS + TQS (Original) USB Conversion [] Joined: Dec 2017 Posts: 18 Junior Member Junior Member Joined: Dec 2017 Posts: 18.
I figured it out.I needed to hit the reset button twice. The instructions from github MMJOY wiki said this: 'To turn service mode on, we must perform the following actions: #####On ProMicro board Briefly short GND and RST pins #####On Leonardo and Micro boards Preset RESET button', So I only pressed the reset button once.
While looking around at some other sites about issues with the Pro Micro I remembered the instructions from The instructions from that cover downloading firmware to the Pro Micro talked about touching the wires twice.I thought, maybe I need to hit reset twice. All good now. Hit reset twice and the bootloader is visible in Device Manager for 8 seconds. - 01/02/18 11:10 PM Re: F16-FLCS + TQS (Original) USB Conversion [] Joined: Dec 2017 Posts: 18 Junior Member Junior Member Joined: Dec 2017 Posts: 18.
Now you need 'fill' your joystick controller parameters - the firmware came 'blank', for this use MMjoySetup. In this software you define how many axes is used (up to 8), how many buttons (up to 128), your 'joystick' name - where now is 'MMjoy2' and their VID/PID*. After press the button 'SAVE SETTINGS FOR DEVICE', and after the device reboot you now have a 'joystick' visible in Windows Games controllers. * VID/PID is set in 8888/8888, change this for a lower number, example 0001/0001 for make this joystick visible for windows before other controllers.
When set the Arduino for Throttle use a high number, eg. After every time you need change any parameter of your new joystick in MMjoySetup, you need reset this VID/PID number first or change then for another, because Windows keep the first number in heir Register and don't 'see' the new - but the controller remain visible in games. - 01/03/18 01:52 AM Re: F16-FLCS + TQS (Original) USB Conversion [] Joined: Dec 2017 Posts: 18 Junior Member Junior Member Joined: Dec 2017 Posts: 18. I figured it out.I needed to hit the reset button twice. The instructions from github MMJOY wiki said this: 'To turn service mode on, we must perform the following actions: #####On ProMicro board Briefly short GND and RST pins #####On Leonardo and Micro boards Preset RESET button', So I only pressed the reset button once. While looking around at some other sites about issues with the Pro Micro I remembered the instructions from The instructions from that cover downloading firmware to the Pro Micro talked about touching the wires twice.I thought, maybe I need to hit reset twice.
All good now. Hit reset twice and the bootloader is visible in Device Manager for 8 seconds. You are beginning to make me wonder if you READ what I post.
Ie just yesterday.geez. Use the 2016-8-18 Firmware, it is currently the one with the least Bugs although there was one newer (2016-18-11?), you can load it to the Micro anytime, if a single tap of the reset button does not work, try a double tap.have Device Manager Open so you can see it change Ports ( to bootloader mode) and them quickly hit the upload Firmware button in MMjoy, as you only get 8 seconds. Install Jodconverter Centos there. Windows requires a Joystick to have two axis so just assign any pin to the axis for X and Y temporarily or if you know you are using F4 and F5 just do that. I was not aware of that requirement when I 1st uploaded the MMJoy Firmware. The Micro no longer has an Arduino Bootloader perse and RobotDyn may have already loaded the 'Blink' Sketch for testing so the lights may not be the same anymore.