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Diablo 3 Offline Client

What I will say will probably gets flamed by haters but here's my opinion on topic. I believe it is greatly unfair for 'us' PC users that we will not be able to enjoy offline mode in Diablo III when PS3/4 users will. I do understand reasons behind it that Playstation players can play offline on sherd screen with up to 4 people, that pirate version will decrease sells and that computers are easier to get hacked/scammed/cheated and what not. I don't understand however how in some magic way duped items from offline mode would transfer themselves on blizzard servers. Anyway we have booters/scammers and all duped items all over auction house anyway just look at the forum threads or ah itself. I don't understand why after so many months after realise of the game and selling more than 12 million copies worldwide and beating sales record in fastest selling game ever blizzard is still worried about sales so much that they punish players who actually will enjoy it.

I don't understand why I can not enjoy Diablo when I'm away and when I don't have access to Internet( I do travel a lot). And most of all I do not understand why blizzard take away possibility for players to simply express themselves by allowing them access to developers tools and creating modes for our game (which some of them where great in Diablo 2). In all I believe it's unfair to treat some costumers with bigger care and I really hope that blizzard will reconsider allowing pc users playing offline in future patches/expansion If you agree please sign up. All the best. It would be in Blizzard's best interest to allow offline play (less servers/bandwidth). It would not be in the players interest for offline play to be allowed (at least the players who want a somewhat legit experience). Sure bad things happen even while the situation can be tightly controlled (online play).

The problem would be several orders of magnitude more prominent if people get their hands on the disassembled binaries that control item dropping and whatnot. It only takes one look at D2 to realize that what we currently perceive to be 'widespread botting' and 'rampant duping' are very much relative. Don't like it? Thank the 'Diablo Community' for their constant efforts to circumvent control mechanisms, steal intellectual property and scam others until they get their way. -1 because I enjoy hearing people complain about things they don't understand (or possibly helped cause). 09:47 AMPosted by Read my topic, pc will never get offline mode. It stops pirated versions of Diablo 3 from being playable w/o paying.

Doraemon Grand Theft Auto Game Download. A offline version would give pirates the ability to play w/o paying. Diablo 3 for pc will NEVER get offline mode. Oh, and your topic is going to be locked for making a petition.

Great reasoning of yours. So all the games should come out as on line only play becouse of the piracy? This is ridicules.

Blizzard already sold 12m + copies and making huge profit. Allowing people to play offline shouldn't be a problem as on line experience is the best you can have. Pdf Power Electronics By Rashid Pdf more. For me it's just silly that instead of fighting piracy the have decided to take lazy road and just pull a plug and say 'that's it no off line for anyone (except people on PS =_=') problem solved) shame.

While I still believe anti-piracy measures should not cause collateral damage and that they should take a hard stand against punishing their legitimate customers in any way, no matter how few are affected, the main thing I would be looking forward to in an offline mode is a complete overhaul of the item-hunt game. Imagine this crazy scenario: set items and legendaries of appropriate level would occasionally. Drop from enemies! Praetorians Download Italy Visa on this page.