
Port(s) Protocol Service Details Source; 53: tcp,udp: DNS: DNS (Domain Name Service) is used for domain name resolution. Apple MacDNS, FaceTime also use this port. Mi WiFi 3 is the new low cost 802.11ac WiFi router by Xiaomi that sells for about $40. GearBest send my one sample for evaluation, and today, I’ve taken some photo. 0 (tcp/udp):: Speed. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - port used for web traffic. See also TCP ports 8. TCP Ports TCP 0 Reserved TCP 1 Port.

Hack Router Port 53 Tcp

I recently ran nmap -sS -p1-65365 -vv on my Zyxel router. Here are the results: PORT STATE SERVICE 21/tcp open ftp 23/tcp open telnet 80/tcp open http 7547/tcp open unknown The 7547 appears to be the CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP) which is this: This does assume that 7547 isn't something else. The other ports are open because they are part of the remote management (I realise I can set these ports to something non-standard or close them on the router). However, I'm not entirely sure whether 7547 should be open (). Any thoughts? Scanning from local lan can sometimes lead to false positives, but I would try from an external scan just to be safe. Try from a remote machine to scan your home IP if you can, which should hit your router, and that to me would be a better test.

Also, try several other scans for various results at getting ports to pop and give up info, such as 'nmap -v -A -PN --open --reason -sV -sC -p 1-65535 x.x.x.x' where x.x.x.x is your IP address. Go to or type 'what is my IP address' into google and google should tell you as the first result in bold(google knows everything). Sometimes, a port can say its open, when really it isn't too depending on mangled packets or just crappy product design they can fail open and closed if continually scanning, and be randomness, so try various scans, as well as try the same ones with the UDP switch added as well, since some things, only show under UDP(but can often be false positives under UDP scans so not as reliable). -sV -sC (standard scan) will tell you the service and version running if it can grab a banner from it or identify the service itself. You can also try -sV -sT which tries to actually connect to the port, or use a -sM which sends a FIN/ACK to try and force a reset or RST packet response from the device, to prove the port is open or closed or just that a device is alive. Here are my updated nmap scans: PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp? _ftp-bounce: no banner 23/tcp open telnet? 80/tcp open http Allegro RomPager 4.07 UPnP/1.0 (ZyXEL ZyWALL 2) http-methods: GET HEAD POST PUT Potentially risky methods: PUT _See _http-generator: GoLive CyberStudio 3 _http-title:.:::.

Here are my updated nmap scans: PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp? _ftp-bounce: no banner 23/tcp open telnet? 80/tcp open http Allegro RomPager 4.07 UPnP/1.0 (ZyXEL ZyWALL 2) http-methods: GET HEAD POST PUT Potentially risky methods: PUT _See _http-generator: GoLive CyberStudio 3 _http-title:.:::.

As stated above, disable ALL remote management, and I would also advise, if you have the option, to disable uPnP, asap, as well as SSDP. How To Program Caddx Nx 8e. They can be used to open ports, probe for responses about the devices and pull other info. If FTP, Telnet, and port HTTP are viewable from the internet, that is NOT a good thing.You also have SNMP on?? Try hitting your router from an external IP with metasploit or Armitage. It will show you all kinds of things using SNMP attacks and scanning for further fingerprinting, most likely using an open community string.

NONE of the ports you listed, should be reachable from the internet, and if they all showed open from an external scan, you're at a much higher potential for a break in. Edited January 15, 2013 by digip. Redriect all your traffic to flow through them and run off their DNS, and MITM proxy all your traffic, including SSl traffic and you'd be none the wiser.

Not to mention, possible to port forward to known hosts on the network, attack individual machines on the LAN if they are vulnerable, if he/she can see traffic, they can see your OS, Browser user agent, software in use, such as flash, adobe reader, java, etc, then serve or inject payloads into pages and compromise your hosts, then log directly onto your workstations, pivot off one vulnerable machine to the rest of your network and scan your inside lan, etc, etc, etc. Here is what I get when I use nmap -A to my IP when outside my network. This is with telnet, ftp, snmp, dns, and http deliberately open and with Unphp on. You can turn off everything, and still reach he router on port 80 from INSIDE the lan.

You need to disable remote administration, so port 80 will be closed to people on the internet and outside your lan. Also, if the device has the options, disable admin interface over wireless, and also make it use https only, and not http for the admin panel login. This way, if someone is on your local lan, they can't intercept your login credentials sent in the clear over port 80, and will force it to only allow HTTPS for encrypting all logins to the router. Not 100% guaranteed, but way better than using default port 80, since that sends everything in plain text and can be sidejacked or MITM'd. Hello, (SOLVED) This port comes by default open to the WAN on many ZyXel commercial routers. It is intended for use with the Customer Premises Equipment WAN Management Protocol, a.k.a.