Title says it all, i like the sound of the tape stop from glitch 2 and effectrix, but im wondering if i will be able to reverse that. Basically what i want to do is use the tapestop effect at the end of my 8 bar drop, then at the beggining of the next loop i want to have a reverse tape stop effect to go back into the next section. I heard it on a few tracks and i think it aounds awesome but i have no idea how to do it. I will either buy effectrix or goitch to do it unless there is an easy way to do it in logic. I already tried the fade in logic and setting it to speed up but i cant get it sounding good.
Dear apoplexia.music, first of all, sorry for my bad english. I'm from Germany. If you still got problems with this Effextrix presets issue, here my solution how i fix this issue i have two days ago.
Jan 18, 2014 - The pkg installers keep crashing (using OSX 10.9.1) after inserting serial. I opened the pkg's using Pacifier and there are only two folders in there, one containing the vst, dpm, aax and component plugs and one containing a folder for that VST to go into Applications >Sugar Bytes. I thought I was cunning in.
I switched from an Imac to my new Mac Book Pro and i use the apple data migration tool to set up my MBP und get all my data from my Imac. Avid Pro Limiter Download more. At the first start Effectrix under Logic 8 there are no presets available. The only think i have to do, i have to name the local hard drive of my MBP the same as the HD in my Imac.
Now all presets are available. You can see the path effectix is using to load the presets in the - 'com.sugar-bytes.Effectrix.plist' - when you open this file in a text editor.
You can find this file under /Users//Library/Preferences Hope this can help. Kind regards from Germany, Bernhard.