In April, we posted a video of Persona 5 running quite poorly on the PC via an emulator. Now, only a few months later, it’s looking fantastic. Apr 19, 2012 Okay so some months ago my big brother borrowed his friend's psp and he had a game called 'Persona 3' from what I remember.I really got into that.
Okay so some months ago my big brother borrowed his friend's psp and he had a game called 'Persona 3' from what I remember.I really got into that game but I never finished it since my bro gave the psp back to his friend and I want to play it but I don't have a psp and I would really appreciate if. Okay so some months ago my big brother borrowed his friend's psp and he had a game called 'Persona 3' from what I remember.I really got into that game but I never finished it since my bro gave the psp back to his friend and I want to play it but I don't have a psp and I would really appreciate if someone knew if I could maybe download it into my computer? If it is possible to download it to the computer could anyone explain to me how to please c:?? After some time of looking for the name of the game I found the opening movie to the game itself.
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While attention has lately focused on emulating the Wii U version of, PS3 emulation is still a focus for some – especially with the release of Sony-exclusive Persona 5. Emulation whiz Nekotekina has managed to get the critically acclaimed JRPG running in the RPCS3 PS3 emulator (via ), and has made some significant progress of late. (Note, while the western release is this week, Persona 5 has been out in Japan since September). According to a post on, Nektekina has managed to increase the emulated framerate of Persona 5 from 1 through to about 10fps, while battle and dungeon areas can often peak at 30fps. Meanwhile, recent work on the emulator has also improved the performance of Demon's Souls and Catherine – neither of which have ever officially released for PC. The progress coincides with other updates to the emulator, including a feature which auto-detects the firmware module needed for each title. 'RPCS3 will analyze the game executable and automatically load the required libraries now,' the notes read.