Mika Vainio

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Mika Vainio Onko Rar Files

Supported by 4 fans who also own “Onko” Wow, what an album! Don't Know Why is my favorite track. It is perfect for walking in the town where I live right now: chilly, windy enough to make you tear up a little, cloudy, slight amount of snow, all in a semi-urban suburb by a train station and storefronts. The place has no one on foot but me; abandoned if not for the cars and stores and houses with people inside. It takes an incredible amount of talent to evoke such imagery.

I'd gladly walk out there listening to this! My Second Codefreq •.

I have 17 shares for you. They're all in the vein of field recordings, drone, warm ambient, cold ambient, sound experimentation, and 1 or 2 lowercase releases. I think they're all interesting and share-worthy releases. Beautytone - Four Landscapes >Ambient, Field Recording, Warm, Nature >Simple ambient tracks that change mood multiple times.

If you guys would like samples with these shares let me know, I'll try to find some. >>52593725 Jana Winderen - Out of Range >Field Recording, Sound Collage, Audio Experimentation >My final Winderen share, this release has the coolest concept by far (quotation from the TouchShop [the label]): >'Out of Range' is an audio work based on ultrasound and echolocation used by bats, dolphins and other creatures who operate beyond the range of human hearing - 'seeing' with sound, or perhaps 'hearing' objects. The ultrasound is time-stretched to bring it into a frequency range audible for human beings. It seems that this is the last share because 2 albums didn't upload correctly and another album has already been shared in another sharethread (>>52585305). So then I'll say thanks for checking out these albums and if you guys have anything similar to share feel free. >>52594131 Yann Novak - 3 Renditions >Ambient, Drone >Very simple ambient drone that doesn't swell or change very much.

Xtracks 3 20 Msts Downloads. It's creepy at times, usually at the beginning of each track, and slowly morphs into a more peaceful and curious sound towards the conclusion. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Full Version Utorrent more. Nice thread OP, I like this stuff. I'm an avid field recordist and composer and I've never really mixed the two together, but lately I'm working on some new amibient stuff and I think I'm going to incorporate some field recordings from my library. It's weird that I don't listen too much to this kind of music but it's almost obvious it's the kind of music I should be piecing together.

The trick is to keep it from sounding like 'new age relaxation' cheese but to also feature location and nature recordings. Anybody else make this stuff?