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I am writing a realbasic console application which polls several serial ports for data and saves the results to a database. My initial idea was to open the port, read the data and then close it again, The problem is, that opening a serial port can take up to 4 seconds and I may need to read from up to 8 ports, so opening and closing the port is not practical for each cycle.

7 Days To Die No Survey. It's highly possible that the serial device disconnected from an opened port, and of course this is going to cause problems. So is it possible to detect whether a port is open and alive so that I can leave the port open and only close and re-open it when I detect that the connected device has gone away. Edit The serial port is a bluetooth serial port, it is talking to a bluetooth radio which in turn talks to a microcontroller.

Chicken Invader 6 Download. I have start and end characters which I listen for and all of this works fine, until the bluetooth device goes out of range and effectively disconnects leaving the serial port still open. I can of course close the port and try and open it again, but instead I would like to detect whether the device is still connected to the bluetooth serial port. Also, calling serial.close() on a serial port on OSX causes a momentary freeze (desktop cursor freezes), I suspect 100% cpu usage, this does not happen on windows and I therefore want to minimize the number of port opens and closes that I have to do as I am polling data from around 10 bluetooth devices once a minute. As it takes up to 4 seconds to open a serial port, the best solution would be to use a direct HID connection to the bluetooth radio instead of a SPP serial connection, however it appears that nobody has ever connected realbasic to a bluetooth HID device before and so there's no info or help on it. It's been a few years since I did Serial programming in RB, so I don't recall everything. The Serial class has a 'LineStateChanged' event. Have you checked if that gets invoked once the BT conn is lost or reconnected?