Smi Usb 007 Driver

Oct 27, 2012 - You can find Easycap SM-SB 007 windows 7 driver on this link driverupdate us. Harris Jayaraj Hits Single Folder Download on this page. Jul 29, 2010 - Formas de llamar a este USB: USB 2.0 Video Capture Controller USB-AVCPT EasyCAP SM-USB 007 En este tutorial vamos a instalar una Capturadora de Video USB que compre en Ebay hace un tiempo y perdi el CD de instalacion. Para instalar el driver debemos seguir estos pasos: 1. Descargamos el. Sorry for the TRIPLE post, but I pryed open the card, and its the somagic chinese copy I believe, so i downloaded XP SP3 drivers, and now it shows up as SMI Grabber DEV instead of SM-USB 007. Tormidal is offline.