Hello, -we are using the NJM2673 dual H-bridge stepper driver IC to power our stepper motor. This IC has a 5V input to power its control circuitry. NJM2673 DATASHEET HERE: OR HERE. At the top of page 5 of the NJM2673 datasheet, it says that the operating current is 60mA max. However, i am not sure if this 60mA value refers to when the internal h-bridge transistors are being switched or not. Do you believe that when this IC starts switching the transistors of its h-bridges, that the operating current taken by its 5V input will likely be much more than 60mA?after all, the h-bridge transistors are BJTs, and there are 8 of them, and they are obviously going to need base current.
Using a Raspberry Pi with StepperBee. The following simple example of Python Code is all that is required to run stepper motor 1. Discrete Math Epp Pdf Reader more.