
- The Legend Reborn is a trading card game inspired by the popular anime series Yu-Gi-Oh! In this program. The Power Of Chaos. Here is a tutorial on how to unlock the cards for ristar's power of chaos: Legend Reborn. It's pretty much. Power of Chaos THE LEGEND REBORN (PC Game) - New Spellcasters - Duration: 3:11. Ristar87ygo 87,546. Yu-Gi-Oh!: The legend Reborn (Fangame) PC Download for PC/Windows. Game description, information and PC download page.

Yu Gi Oh Power Of Chaos The Legend Reborn

DOWNLOAD: This game is finally complete. It has 1109 cards in total (350 are added by me) including some anime only and fan-made cards. To unlock all cards open 'All Cards - UNLOCKER' folder and fallow the instructions in 'All Cards INFO!!!!!!!txt' file.

Yugioh Power Of Chaos The Legend Reborn

You can also use some of my Decks if you want. You can find them in 'Here are some Decks' folder. If you have any problems, watch this tutorial: In this game your opponent is Yami Yugi, like in 1st Power of Chaos game, but this time you both duel with awesome new cards. This game does not have all the same cards as my previous one. There is no Synchros, E-Heroes. But there is many other great new cards:) Credits: Kazuki Takahashi - for creating Yu-Gi-Oh! KONAMI - for developing and publishing Yu-Gi-Oh!

Power of Chaos games KaibaCorporationDTDL - for Kaiba Corporation Workstation program sAsUk3 - for making the original Yu-Gi-Oh! Chaos Reborn Me (RistaR87) - for doing all the rest:P Tags: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX 5Ds ZEXAL Power of Chaos MOD Yugioh Tag Force Online Yami Yugi Jaden Judai Yusei Fudo Yuma Tsukumo Bonds Beyond Time Super Fusion Dark Magician Girl of Chaos The Seal of Orichalcos God Cards Exceez XYZ free PC game DOWNLOAD RistaR87 Mugen Dragon Ruler 2013 2014. The Canadian Regime Ebook.